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Julle ken mos daar stedelike legende van die oorlogskip en die vuurtoring: “Verander koers”, “Nee, verander jy koers”,  “Verander dadelik koers, ek is ‘n oorlogskip van die VSA vloot”, “Verander jy dadelik  koers, ek is ‘n vuurtoring”. Die vermaaklike anekdote wat dikwels vir die heilige waarheid oorvertel word, het by my opgekom toe ek eergister, wanneer my e-kaartjie vir die QM2 se vaart na Sydney einde Januarie 2014 uitdruk.

 In ‘n hoekie van die kaartjie, aan die linkerkant onder, staan dit onmiskenbaar, nogal in hoofletters: Pier of Embarkation: GOOD HOPE EXHIBITION CENTRE, OSWALD PIROW STREET, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA.

 ‘n Haastige besoek aan Google bevestig die eerste indruk: Die enigste “Good Hope Exhibition centre” is die een wat aan my bekend is: Die een met die reuse-koepeldak amper in die hartjie van die Kaap. Die beeld wat opdoem van ‘n reuse-gevaarte van 345 meter –   amper 15 tennisbane (en boonop 23 verdiepings hoog))   – wat langs die Goeie Hoop-sentrum voor anker lê,  is nogal iets om aan te herkou. Ek sien voor my geestesoog die banieropskrifte op Die Burger se voorblad! En die foto dwarsoor die blad.

 Juis die besoek aan Google bring darem ook gerusstelling. Vir eers is die uwe  klaarblyklik nie die eerste wat deur die mededeling oor die Goeie Hoop-sentrum uit die veld geslaan is nie.   Klaarblyklik hoef darem ook geen smesj veel groter as die Seafarer-ramp in die 60’s voor die SAUK-gebou in Seepunt gevrees te word nie.

 Laat die storie maar in die boodskappe van QM-passasiers en andere  ontvou:

 holadict  cardiff south wales

We are arriving in Cape Town in January on QM2 which docks at the above venue (GH Exhibition centre). As we are then staying in CT for 8 days will there be plenty of taxis available or would you suggest we pre book one?

macsym Cape Town

I somehow doubt that the QM2 will be docking at the GH Exhibition centre as this is someway inland! Large ships usually dock at Duncan Dock. I would imagine there will be plenty of taxis available

divacape cape town

I was at the Duncan Dock when the QM docked before and there were loads and loads of taxis ready to take people off the ship.

holadict cardiff south wales

Documentation from Cunard definately shows the QM2 being docked at the Good Hope Exhibition Centre!!

Van_de_Caab Cape Town

I hope they haven’t told that to your captain. The Good Hope is at least a kilometre inland and the ship will have to cross at least 10 railway lines and both the main N1 and N2 Motorways!!!

I would be a bit worried if they also gave him documentation where the Icebergs are!

divacape cape town

 VdC you’re making me laugh !

holadict  cardiff south wales

Another Cunard boo boo! Perhaps they are taking us overland from Walvis Bay!!!!

divacape cape town

 Maybe they Meant the CTICC which is the Cape Town International Centre where they againm can’t dock at cause its on the highway but can dock near it!

Steve C Grantham, England…

Just rang Cunard as I am on the same cruise as you and getting off at Cape Town. Lived in CT so have organised my hire car to meet me at the docks as I am in a wheelchair but I was told told you will be bussed to the Exhibition Centre as it is nearly a mile inland. The QM2 is docking at no 2 jetty V and A waterfront which isn’t where I thought it would be and is closer to the taxi ranks than Duncan Dock. See you on board – I am a big guy, bald, with one leg

holadic cardiff south wales

Thanks Steve C, I was uncertain where to arrange our taxi for as we are also leaving at Cape Town and spending 8 nights there. Will look out for you when onboard

Van_de_Caab Cape Town

No 2 Jetty at the V&A Waterfront is 208 metres long. The QM2 is 345 metres long. Friends arrived here on the Pacific Princess some months ago. I watched it dock in the V&A (Jetty 2). It just about managed to manoeuvre into the berth. It is 181 metres long – half the length of the QM2!!

I think the captain has a REAL problem – LOL!

Earlier this year when the QM2 was here it docked at the Eastern Mole in Duncan Dock. I am sure it will again. –

As you can see from the picture the quayside here is quite narrow which is presumably why passengers are being bussed to the Good Hope Centre for immigration and other disembarkation.

Nou-ja, dankie mense, nou weet hierdie aspirant-passasier darem ook!


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