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Izak de Vries

Gabeba Baderoon se wonderlike stuk

Ek wil julle baie graag aanmoedig om die bekroonde digter, Gabeba Baderoon, se mooi stuk te lees oor kuns. Sy skryf dit in respons op Lulu Xingwana se volgehoue onvermoë om die gevolge van haar optrede by Innovative Women te verstaan.

Waar ek egter (opsetlik) satiries gewerk het, kyk Baderoon digterlik en filosofies daarna. Dit is werklik die moeite werd om dit rustig te lees.

Hier is die laaste paragraaf:

Minister, I would like to imagine a different outcome to this controversy. I want to imagine you will come back to the images you walked away from, and look deeply at what you thought you didn't want to see. I imagine you rethinking received ideas about art and pornography (the great poet and activist Audre Lorde gives us some beautifully nuanced insights on this) and arriving at a hard-earned transformation. I think of you reflecting on your responsibilities as the guardian of the nation's best impulses in art and culture – which is not to limit but to enable such work. Then perhaps this experience of looking again at the thing you didn't want to see will have brought you closer to the most radical and expansive possibilities of art.


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