(Afrikaans below)
On 14 May 2015 I attended the opening of a new mobile library that will service nine primary schools in the Rawsonville District.
There are more than 5000 books in the library and ten computers to provide internet access to users.
- Nine primary schools get served by the library
- More than 1 000 students will now have access to the books and the internet
"They deserve it all," say Bernard Kotze (Brand Manager of Du Toitskloof Wines) and Marius Louw (CEO of Du Toitskloof Wines)
Why do they do all of this? Here is a quote from the press release sent out by Du Toitskloof Wines after the opening of the mobile library: "Things that other children take for granted, such as illustrated children's books, computers and a comfortable chair to sit on while reading, will now be available at these schools on a regular basis. We really believe that there is potential among the children at the schools in our region. The library aims to empower the kids with the kind of insight, vision and creativity that they would need to go out into the world. They deserve it all.”
* * * Afrikaanse lesers: ’n Baie meer volledige, Afrikaanse weergawe van hierdie artikel sal binnekort verskyn in Maandblad Zuid-Afrika. Teken gerus in, dit is die moeite werd en nie baie duur nie. (Ingrid het laat weet dit sal in die Junie-uitgawe verskyn.)